A Harmonic Minor Workout

Pianist Dr. J. H. asked for a melodious exercise he could use to explore the harmonic minor scale in all 12 keys.  The “harmonic minor scale” features the natural 6th degree FA along with the raised 7th degree.  The raised 7th degree in a minor scale is the syllable known as “si” (pronounced “SEE”).  It’s also referred to as “#SO” or “#7.”   That scale is shown here:

Below is the a recording of the harmonic minor melody I conjured up.  It’s entitled “A Harmonic Minor Workout.”   Also included is a chart in all 12 keys, should you wish to woodshed this phrase.  I find it very beneficial to shed licks like this in all 12 keys.   Even more helpful for you would be to cultivate the habit of creating your own phrases such as this one.   That work will turn you into an improvisor who is really a “spontaneous composer.”

In case you are wondering why this scale is referred to as “the harmonic minor scale,” the reason is simple:  it perfectly fits the i-iv-V and the ii-V-i harmonic cadences characteristic of the minor tonality as shown here.

Send me a comment, if you need this chart in bass clef.  Concert key instruments (piano, guitar, violin, flute, vibes, etc.) start at the beginning and end at bar 47.  Eb instruments start at the pickup to bar 37 as indicated, take the repeat, and end at bar 35.  Bb instruments start at the pickup to bar 41, take the repeat, and end at bar 39.

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